Okay I am officially on too many Social networking, blogging and forum sites. My brain has recently suffered a password meltdown of note. So I've taken to writing things down, which is exactly what you are not supposed to do, but with all the random numbers and capitals added to over 20 different passwords and usernames I am not keeping up. And I keep running into the same people where ever I go. No matter how big the site. It's both comforting and scary. Like a family of people I've never met in real life. Sometimes it makes me feel boring, like I am doing a show and tell of the same art to the same set of people over and over again. I sign up on a new (or new to me at least) hang out for designers, artists and such ilk. I browse my sweet way through the recently added gallery section, where I bump into familiar artworks which come accross as old friends. " Hello nice to see you here again. Still looking good are we?" Maybe it's because it's the same section of people, all with access to the Internet, in the same creative industry, with the same hunger for exposure, with a penchant for signing up on too many sites. What counts as too much exposure for a piece of art? Can you benefit from a sense of mystery in today's information overload existence? Or could that attitude be compared to burying a coin in the ground and expecting a money tree to sprout next spring? Maybe I should scale back and not use the internet as a giant billboard for all things Jesca. Yet here I am starting another blog..... mmmm... what can I say, art is meant to be seen.... visual media isn't it?
Anyways enough rambling: I've created this blog as a news storage space. Especially since it's easier to update and add images to than my website. So here's two interviews I did with Otaku magazine a while back.
And here's an later interview which featured in Issue 16-if I am not mistaking